Blitz: The League

Position: Jr. Artist

Platform: Xbox 360

Duration: May 2006 – Sept 2006

We were asked by Midway to port the Xbox version of Blitz to the Xbox360. I worked as an artist, dealing with the 2D graphic interface in this game. I had to learn ScreenStudio, which was used for the UI system, as well as update the UI with high resolution images. The task itself sounds simple, however, I was not provided with all of the high resolution images to replace the original images. Thus I also had to recreate, touch up and sometimes come up with new images. Here are a few of the images that I worked on.

These first two are for the new costume logos that were added to the 360 version of the game.

Snake02  Piranha02


This is the image of the cheerleader captain Jaqui. Left side is the file I was provided with, and the right side is the one I made from scratch. I was asked to make her as realistic as possible, because this image will be placed next to photos of real cheerleaders. This is the first time I had to paint something photo-realistic. It took me three tries to make her look like the original girl and still look real. I have to thank my lead artist for this one. He had to teach me (an entry level artist) everything about making a photo-realistic painting.

Jaqui_xbox  Jaqui04